
Entrée1  naomba
Partie du discours  2  nom
Vocabulaire  3  Mathématiques: arithmétique
Explications en malgache  4  Teny enti-milaza filaharana amin' ny zavatra maro tanisaina; nomerao na laharana faha- no fampiasa sy fiteny ankehitriny [1.1]
Explications en anglais  5  an ordinal number. Compare isa. The above word is mostly employed in numbering off soldiers, or in announcing numbers of tunes, and in such cases a corruption of the English one, two, or three, etc. is joined to it. [1.2]
Proverbes  6  Proverbes contenant le mot naomba

Anagrammes  7  ambano, anambo, banoma, manabo, naomba, ombana

Mis à jour le 2020/07/31